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Showing posts from July, 2007

Mozilla Firefox

I switched to Mozilla Firefox recently because Internet Explorer always crashed when I closed it. I really like the streamlining of Internet Explorer 7 and have done the same to Firefox. Surprisingly, Firefox can be even more streamlined than IE7! Here's a screenshot of my Firefox. The menu appears when you click on the only icon on the toolbar. A few extensions and customizations to achieve this: Hiding the menu bar and displaying only the menu icon: Download Personal Menu You can hide the menu bar like you would hide any toolbar. View > Toolbars > Menu bar. Choose these options: - Show menus toolbar temporarily by pressing the Alt key: ON - Warn when hiding the Menus toolbar: OFF - Integrate into the menu-switching feature of Menu Bar: OFF - Apply current theme style: ON - Hide drop-marker: ON Rearrange the menu in the "Edit Menu Button" tab to make it look the same as my screenshot. (All these options are of your own preference, no need to strictly follow.) R...

Windows Live Writer Beta

I'm posting this from Windows Live Writer. It's even better than Word 2007 and a lot better than the Blogger website's own editor. Although, like Word 2007, WLW also does not have a direct support for uploading images to Blogger, you can insert images using Flickr. Download WLW here: To use Flickr, you need to also download the Flickr4Writer plugin here: Now you'll find "Insert Flickr Image" option on the sidebar of Windows Live Writer. Please note that uploaded photos must be public otherwise you won't be able to find them when searching with the plugin. Sign up for Flickr at . To easily upload images to Flickr, you can use the Windows XP's built-in File Publishing Wizard. You must first set it up to show Flickr by running this REG file: Now you can simp...