In the beginning there was the computer. And God said c:\> Let there be light! Enter user id. c:\> God Enter password. c:\> Omniscient Password incorrect. Try again. c:\> Omnipotent Password incorrect. Try again. c:\> Technocrat And God logged on at 12:01:00 AM, Sunday, March 1. c:\> Let there be light! Unrecognizable command. Try again. c:\> Create light Done c:\> Run heaven and earth And God created Day and Night. And God saw there were 0 errors. And God logged off at 12:02:00 AM, Sunday, March 1. And God logged on at 12:01:00 AM, Monday, March 2. c:\> Let there be firmament in the midst of water and light Unrecognizable command. Try again. c:\> Create firmament Done. c:\> Run firmament And God divided the waters. And God saw there were 0 errors. And God logged off at 12:02:00 AM, Monday, March 2. And God logged on at 12:01:00 AM,...
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