The default installation of Atom editor comes with a bunch of core packages that you may not need. I have found that you can actually speed up the load time of Atom by disabling a lot of these core packages. The good thing about Atom is anytime I need a package I can just enable it and it's instantly active (for most packages). Please note that what you disable would depend on your own needs. For example, if you develop Java, you would want to keep 'language-java' enabled. I proceeded to disable the following packages as I did not see the need for them at the moment. about - if disabled, nothing will happen if you click Help > About Atom. You can still check for updates using Help > Check for Update. archive-view autocomplete-atom-api autoflow autosave - Atom will still save your edit buffer. This package is not necessary to save buffer. background-tips - The tips shown when you don't have any tab open. bookmarks command-palette dalek deprecation...
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