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Showing posts from October, 2017

Convert the Atom Editor into a PHP IDE using PHP Integrator

Atom Editor is basically a text editor on steroids. It is not an IDE for any language by default. Through the power of plugins, you can convert Atom into almost anything you wish, except a toaster. Here I am documenting what I did in order to convert Atom Editor to a nice PHP IDE. You can do the same too using PHP Integrator and make it much easier to maintain your PHP projects in Atom. Note: Throughout the guide, I'll indicate version numbers at the time of writing in brackets. This is only for reference, and you must always install the latest version of the software, not the version indicated here. Upgrade to the latest version of Atom (1.21.1). Install the package php-integrator-base (3.1.0). (File > Settings > Install) Atom will ask you to install dependencies. Say Yes. The dependencies are (at the moment): atom-ide-ui  (0.5.3) (previous versions used linter , but you should disable/remove that now as it will conflict with Diagnostics) intentions (1.1.5) ...