Concepts, Practices, Tips & Techniques to make your entrance preparation more effective. Getting to the Top
Yes... you have a desire - to become a Doctor or Engineer. To acquire a top rank in Med/Engg. Entrance you should have a systematic and well planned preparation. This section will give you tips and techniques to perfect your preparation. SETTING GOALS
If you want to achieve success in life then you should have a definite aim. You must dare to think Big and Dream Big. You must be clear about what you want to achieve. Setting specific goals is the first step towards greater achievements. Always aim to be the best. If you don't have any specific plan in your life yet, then make up your mind to frame your aim now itself. Set your Goals...Now!
Once you have chosen your goals, write them in your personal diary. Write down your short-term goals and long-term goals. Now your intermediate goal is to gain a top rank in entrance exam. Your goals should be: - SMART S - Specif...
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